Friday pottering
Good afternoon Aaall,
It’s Friday and everyone here at DTG is pottering around in the garden happily. The rabbits are rabbitting, the birds are birding and I’m sitting on the heater watching a flurry of deadheading and weeding.
We’ve had an interesting couple of weeks which I’ll tell you all about but first, I’d like to give a MASSIVE welcome to our new volunteer Adam, who is now modelling our snazzy “one size fits none” fleece (as Michael says). We’re lucky to have you Adam and thanks for all the deadheading!
Also, happy belated birthday to Meggan, for whom one of our guys made a birthday tea of pancakes and fruit (she’s doesn’t do cake) and which you can see some pretty mouth-watering pictures below.
Last week we had the boys from Castle Huntley up to have a look at building us a patio area for our picnic benches. They all seemed enthusiastic about laying lots of slabs in the bleak Scottish October, which I take to mean that they are either bonkers or immune to cold. We are really looking forward to having them with us and will ply them with tea and biscuits at every opportunity.
We were also happy to see our good friend Caroline from Dobbies in the garden again last week to deliver a smart new plaque – we took some fantastic photos, but due to a technical slip-up we don’t actually have them right now. We’ll have to ask Alistair to send them over. Speaking of Alistair, we are going to miss him for a little while as he has had to move house temporarily. We wish him the best of luck and hope to have him back with us soon.
Last Friday, I skived off with Vaso and Kate to go to a Trellis meeting in Kinghorn. It was a right good larf and I had the chance to meet some really lovely people while gossiping about horticultural therapy. We were given a tour of the polytunnel and gardens at The Ecology Centre and made friends with a large, creepy weirdo lurking in the bushes. See below for clarification – look for the ginger hair.
On Tuesday, we made friends with Dave from The Reconnection Project. He’s popping down to see us Tuesday and we might see if we can send him away with some cabbages in exchange for a couple of pallets. We’ve offered him an old potting shed of ours because…(drum roll please) WE’VE GOT A NEW ONE! It’s really nice and when it’s delivered, we’ll no doubt take pictures of it going up. Let’s hope it lasts longer than our original one (it has to beat 3 days).
We also have a new addition to our team. He’s a little quiet but he’s a good old stick. Meet Archie, our scarecrow. While you’re at it, check out George’s cucumbers.
Anyways… I’m off to do some work. Laters Potaters!